Firebird Documentation IndexUsing non-Western fonts → 3: Create metrics files
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Step 3: Create metrics files

Font collections

For every non-standard font you use, a file with font metrics information must be generated. Apache FOP needs this information while performing the XSL-FO -> PDF conversion. You can create the metrics files with the t1Metrics and ttfMetrics targets in our build system. At the command prompt in the root of the firebird-documentation project, type (on one line!):

gradlew ttfMetrics
  --fontFile=D:\Path\To\fontfile.ttf --metricsFileName=filename.xml

to build a TTF metrics file, or

gradlew t1Metrics
  --fontFile=D:\Path\To\fontfile.pfm --metricsFileName=filename.xml

for a Type 1 metrics file.

Please note:

Remember that you must repeat this step for every font you add. If the bold and/or italic variations reside in different files, you must also create a separate metrics file for each variation.


Metrics files created with older version of FOP (which was part of our build tools until March 2020) are not usable with our current FOP version (2.4). If you have such files in your tree, regenerate them with the latest tool set. Notice however that performing a git update may already bring you the current metrics files.

Font collections

Some TrueType fonts are packed together in .ttc files (TrueType collections). The ttfMetrics target allows you to build metrics files for such fonts:

gradlew ttfMetrics --fontFile=D:\Path\To\collection.ttc 
  --ttcName=fontname --metricsFileName=filename.xml

There's an additional ttcName (font name) parameter. If the font name contains a space, make sure to enclose the value in double quotes. To find out which fonts are in a collection, call the ttfMetrics target without the ttcName parameter and with an additional info parameter, like this:

gradlew ttfMetrics --fontFile=D:\Path\To\collection.ttc
  --metricsFileName=filename.xml --info

This will result in a build failure, but just before that you'll find a list of all the fonts contained in the collection.

Prev: 2: Override stylesheet fontsFirebird Documentation IndexUp: Using non-Western fontsNext: 4: Create FOP userconfig file
Firebird Documentation IndexUsing non-Western fonts → 3: Create metrics files