Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Language Ref. UpdateInternal functions → UPPER()
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Available in: DSQL, ESQL, PSQL

Added in: IB

Changed in: 2.0, 2.1

Description: Returns the upper-case equivalent of the input string. The exact result depends on the character set. With ASCII or NONE for instance, only ASCII characters are uppercased; with OCTETS, the entire string is returned unchanged. Since Firebird 2.1 this function also fully supports text BLOBs of any length and character set.

Result type: (VAR)CHAR or BLOB


UPPER (str)


select upper(_iso8859_1 'Débâcle')
from rdb$database
  -- returns 'DÉBÂCLE' (before Firebird 2.0: 'DéBâCLE')
select upper(_iso8859_1 'Débâcle' collate fr_fr)
from rdb$database
  -- returns 'DEBACLE', following French uppercasing rules

See also: LOWER

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Language Ref. UpdateInternal functions → UPPER()