Dear Firebird Community,
As president of the Firebird Foundation, I'm reaching out to tap into the wealth of experience and knowledge within our user base. We're constantly striving to improve Firebird, and your feedback is crucial in guiding our efforts.
I'd like to ask for your input on a critical question:
What are the 3 biggest problems with Firebird that impact you?
Whether you're developing software with Firebird or using it as the backbone of your business operations, we want to hear about the challenges you face.
No issue is too big or too small – we're interested in everything from technical limitations to documentation gaps, from performance bottlenecks to ecosystem concerns.
Your real-world experiences are invaluable to us. By sharing your top three issues, you'll help us prioritize our development efforts and focus on the areas that matter most to our community.
Please send your thoughts to [email protected].
Feel free to elaborate on your points if you'd like – the more context we have, the better we can understand and address the issues.
Even if you will send just 3 lines, it will be also useful.
Thank you in advance for your time and insights. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Firebird.
Best regards,
Alexey Kovyazin
President, Firebird Foundation
Email to answer: [email protected]