There will be a Firebird Rendez-vous at the Libre Software Meeting in Amiens next Thursday, July 12. If you cannot be there, there will be a video broadcast. Some sessions will be in English, others in French.
Firebird is a finalist in four categories of the SourceForge Community Choice Awards beanfest for 2007. For once, we're not looking at a spitting contest for database engine groupies: in each category the Firebird project is up against 9 other projects all selected for excellence from hundreds of thousands of SF projects. Categories are Best Tool or Utility, Best Project for the Enterprise, Best User Support and Best Project Overall.
The Firebird team is pleased to announce that the first Beta builds of Firebird V.2.1 are ready for testing. Binary and source kits for Linux and and some Win64 and Win32 kits should start appearing at the SourceForge mirrors today. Read Release Notes.
Most of our SourceForge-based mail list forums have been either down or severely delayed for up to 3 days. We have submitted a support request so please hold your breath. Admins
Our Tracker site will be taken down for a scheduled upgrade this coming Saturday, April 28, at 0800 GMT, for approximately six hours.
The author of the DotNetFirebird and FirebirdTutorial docs for users of the .NET providers, Dan Letecky, has closed down his websites and donated his marvellous collection of material to the Project. Dan also transferred the and domains to us so the good news is that, as from today, your old links to these materials will work, viz. http://[www.] and http://[www.]
Firebird DDEX provider v.2.0.2 is available for download. This release is built against the final Visual Studio 2005 SDK (February 2007).
The Firebird team is pleased to announce that the first Alpha builds of Firebird V.2.1 are ready for testing. Binary and source kits for Linux and and some Win64 and Win32 kits should start appearing at the SourceForge mirrors today. For a summary of new features and bug fixes, see here.
The Firebird team is pleased to announce the latest Firebird 2 sub-release, V.2.0.1. Binary and source kits for Linux and Windows should start appearing at the SourceForge mirrors today. Details here.
The Firebird team placed Windows and Linux kits of Firebird 2.0.1 release candidate 2 in the pre-release area. Feedback to the Firebird-devel or Firebird-test forums, please. [Now defunct]