The Firebird 2.0.2 release has been recalled due to a significant regression that has shown up (Tracker Issue CORE-1434). Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. A release candidate for v.2.0.3 will follow shortly.
FirebirdClient v2.1.0 Release Candidate 2, ADO.NET Data Provider for Microsoft .NET 2.0 and Mono, is available for download. The installer of this version has been built using Wix. If all goes well, this will be the last release candidate.
New snapshot builds will be unavailable over the weekend and possibly until Tuesday GMT, due to an infrastructure problem. Sorry!
It was with sorrow that we learned of the death last month of David S. Rushby, aged 27, in a drowning accident in the Black Sea at Anapa, Russia.
The official announcements for the SourceForge Community Choice Awards are up now, here.
Firebird is to have a two-part slot in this year's Entwickler Konferenz in Frankfurt, Germany. EKON runs in parallel with the all-Europe Codegear (Borland) Developer Conference at the end of September, but our presenter, Thomas Steinmaurer, assures us that this double session will be pure Firebird, unfettered by any requirement to merge tracks with any Codegear products.
Firebird scooped up two of the Sourceforge Community Choice Awards, announced today (US time) at the OSCON CCA Awards party. Firebird wins in the Best Project for the Enterprise and Best User Support categories. The announcements are not up yet but a guy called Matt Aslay posted the results to the blogs at We understand a recognition will be coming our way in the form of a donation to the Foundation.
H-K Software is staging this year's conference in Hamburg, Germany, from October 18 to 20. Currently speakers are being called to submit papers, either live or as a digital presentation on DVD. Submit 30-minute or 60-minute session proposals in English or German by August 15. Questions, email.
More than 500 attended the fourth Firebird Developers' Day in Piracicaba, Brazil last weekend. Full report with pictures.
Due to some trouble we ran into with the batch update, we have to take the tracker off-line for short maintenance. But, as we have some other larger maintenance in pipeline, we'll take this unscheduled opportunity to do it all at once. So the tracker will be down for several hours now (in the worst case, for the rest of today). Tracker Admins