Jaybird 2.2.4 Released
Firebird seminars took place in Siegburg (November 22, 2013) and Prague (November 25, 2013). 39 and 50 attendees were there, photo reports are available at Facebook page of FirebirdSQL. Stay tune for the next seminar date and place! More details about seminar schedule: http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-conference-tour-2013/
Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird. You can download it in the ".NET Provider" section of Downloads. Enjoy!
Firebird Tour is a series of seminars around the world in 2013 and 2014, devoted to Firebird, with members of Firebird Project as speakers. The first seminar will be in Siegburg (Germany), November 22, 2013 (early bird registration is over, few places at regular price still available). The second stop of Firebird Tour will be in Prague (Czech Republic), November 25, 2013.
Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird. You can download it in the ".NET Provider" section of Downloads. Enjoy!
Firebird Project is glad to announce Firebird 2013 Tour — series of seminars around the world, devoted to Firebird, with members of Firebird Project as speakers.
Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird. You can download it in the ".NET Provider" section of Downloads. Enjoy!
Firebird Project announces the first Alpha release of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.
Jiri Cincura announces the 3.0.1 sub-release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird. You can download it in the ".NET Provider" section of Downloads. Enjoy!
Alexander Potapchenko is happy to announce that he has released the v.2.0.2 ODBC/JDBC driver for Firebird. What's New document, sources and binaries for Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit are ready to download.