Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird.
Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird.
The full schedule for Firebird Conference 2016 is available now! 2 full days of in-depth Firebird learning and networking with true Firebird experts and core Firebird developers! Book your attendance now - registration fee is EUR 179, and only EUR 489 for group of 3!
Encrypting Firebird databases, by Alex Peshkoff, Firebird Core Development The session describes the problems and solutions for database encryption inside the enterprise and for distributed applications. What should be protected on the plugin level, what should be protected at the operating system level (parameters to be set/tuned), where security keys should be stored, etc.
The year will be the strong section inside Firebird Conference devoted to Firebird performance. The talks announced below will be devoted to the most popular questions regarding Firebird performance.
Jiri Cincura announces the Release of ADO.NET provider for Firebird.
We continue to publish announces of talks at Firebird Conference 2016, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, October 7-8 (only 1 week left to register to Firebird Conference 2016 with Early Bird discount!). Today we announce the talks from Jiri Cincura, developer of Firebird .NET driver and Firebird+.NET development trainer.